
Thanks to Gopi for pointing out to me that I had a typo in CSEQ.

The new version now reports:

SEQ [2.4] - LPS Toolbox [A.02c]            (c) 1995 Lund Performance Solutions

For Help at the CSEQ prompt enter   ?

CSEQ [nm]: calendar

Function CALENDAR := [7/yy,9/ddd] : UInt16    {R28}
   {   00:07 number of years since 1900 (0..127)                       }
   {   07:09 day of year (1..366)                                      }
   {(see also: CLOCK)                                                  }
   {(see also: HPCALENDAR for a 32-bit version)                        }

CSEQ [nm]: hpcalendar

Function HPCALENDAR := int32 : int32     {R28}
   {Returns 32-bit CALENDAR format:                                    }
   {upper 23 bits = #years since 1900 (*not* 1970!)                    }
   {bottom 9 bits = day-of-year                                        }
   {Added to MPE/iX in 5.5 PowerPatch 4                                }