Maybe NPCONFIG could be enhanced to allow include files
(or maybe NPCONFIG can be filequated -- not sure here)
so you could build an entry with users IP (showvar HPSTDIN_NETWORK_ADDR)
Then startspool, print, stopspool.

When doing Oracle not long ago, we created a printer called mail. Instead of
running the
std lp script to print, we had a mail script that emailed to the user his
report --
as an attachment. Accounting likes to use spreadsheet software.
I think we also did similar on the HP using JTMAIL (and tobyte, uuencode).
You will need a method of mapping HP user to email user.

I suspect Netmail from can do all this also.

This option (email) allows users still connected to get their email with std
"you have mail" notification. As well as, reports that may take long times
to run
or overnight, to be available for the specific user -- without having the
of identifying a user's report from a previous IP connection to the current
IP when he is a different session.

Keven Miller
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