I think we are all :

a) Jealous that xxx managed to "get out of the office" for a whole week

b) Secretly wishing *we* had managed to as well

c) Annoyed that xxx keeps reminding us that we *didn't* :)))

On a more serious note(?), the consequences of an automated reply aren't
too bad when the reply only goes to the "Author" and not to "All" (which
would of course include the list).

Costas Anastassiades,

From:   Leonard S. Berkowitz[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Πέμπτη, 14 Μαΐου 1998 2:53 μμ
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        xxx is out of the office

In addition to raising security issues for yourself and family, it's very
annoying to receive such a message on a discussion list. If a person has
the facility to send automatic messages, most likely s/he has the facility
to send it under certain conditions: filtering. Such a person, away on
business or pleasure should take the extra minute to exclude the various
lists to which s/he is a subscriber or perhaps send the automatic message
to notes that arise only from within the home enterprise.

Leonard S. Berkowitz
(work) mailto:[log in to unmask]