Jeff Vance asked:

>> I was looking into enhancing SHOWVAR to accept a JOB=
>> parameter that would show variables for another job or session ...

> >> I discovered that it is pretty easy to get the user-defined
>> variables for another job/session.  It is also pretty easy to
>> get the predefined variables ......
>> It is difficult to get predefined variables of another job/session
>> that are implemented as active functions.  These are vars that
>> you cannot modify, ......
> >>
> >> It is also difficult to get predefined variables of another
>> job/session that are local to the CI.
> >> Any thoughts??
YES:  Do the "pretty easy" user-defined and predefined ones.

John Korb came back:

> Would this make it easier or more difficult to implement
> (at a later time) the CI variable enhancements that are presently
> on hold?  If the answer is "easier" or "no difference" then I'd go
> ahead with your proposed changes.  If the answer is "more
> difficult" then I'd hold off.

Generally I agree with John;  although I would say:  If doing the
"JOB=" on SHOWVAR thing makes the "on hold" CI variable
enhancements "easier", "no difference", or "only slightly more
difficult", then I would go ahead with Jeff's "pretty easy" options.
Just where the line is between "slightly more difficult" (trivial
enough that cost-benefit ratio it high) and "more difficult" (makes
chances of getting the "on hold" CI enhancements noticeably
less) I am completely comfortable leaving to Jeff's judgement
call.  I would argue for including "slightly more difficult" because
given all the work HP laid out at IPROF, I'm thinking it will most
likely be awhile before the "on hold" CI enhancements come out
of hold status....

Ken Sletten