A bigger one is the issues of Omnidex and 7.04 working together. Seems to
be a bit tricky, get PROTECTED_INTERNAL errors on Omnidex'd databases and
just when you think they are cleared up, they come back for some unknown
reason. Wonder what Omnidex is doing about it ?
Original Text
From "Craig Grilley" <[log in to unmask]>, on 5/6/98 5:50 PM:
I've been testing v7.04.00 of Speedware Designer and 4GL with my
applications and have noticed that in Reflection 1 the function key
template dissapears when exiting either Designer or SPW4GL.  This is
not a catastrophic problem since the keys will redisplay when I hit <F9>
or enter another application, but it never used to happen before and I'm
sure my users will complain.  Does anyone out there know how to keep
this from happening?

Craig Grilley
Northern California Cancer Center
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