Eric Sand noted:

<<    Well, I'm not surprised, but an HP3000 helped
> a news team land a Pulitzer..! HP PR should
> grab onto this one and run!!
>     Its in the April 20, '98 edition of ComputerWorld
> titled "IS helps earn Pulitzer" by Julia King on page 1! >>
I had trouble getting to this article on the web, but I had
the hardcopy issue of this Computerworld handy.  FYI in
case anyone else couldn't get to it from their browser, this
was the case of the Grand Forks Herald newspaper in
Grand Forks, North Dakota, that won the Pulitzer for
covering the great flood and accompanying downtown
fire in April 1997 that flooded most of the town and burned
out several blocks in the business core (the paper's office
was in one of the buildings that burned).

The story talks about how the Herald apparently moved its
HP 3000 to an employee's garage just outside the flood
zone;  hooked it up to some kind of off-the-shelf generator;
and ran it there for the duration.

SIDEBAR DISCLOSURE:  I'm very familiar with Grand Forks,
ND:  I went to NDSU in Fargo 75 miles south of there;  my
cousin went to UND in Grand Forks;  other relatives still
live there (their basement got flooded but the water didn't
quite reach the first floor of their house).  Basically ~50,000
people on both sides of the Red River had to pick up and
go elsewhere during the flood;  they're still putting the town
back together......  what they really need to do is move the
whole town;  one of these years they'll be flooded out again...

... And;  yeah;  seems like some smart marketing person
might be able to make something of this:  "Through fire and
flood, HP 3000 helps put out the news and win a Pulitzer"....
but I'm not in marketing, so somebody else will have to do it..

Ken Sletten