Chris Breemer writes:

> I've got one small quibble with vi: the RETURN key does not position on
> the first column but on the _current_ column of the first line. This is
> the only difference with my HP-UX vi.

That, and the documented-as-missing-but-still-missing suspend (^Z)

> Can live with it, but annoying it is.
> Anybody go a clue?

A clue, but no solution. :(

The clue is that in typing

        :map ^V^M (cmd unfinished)

it appears on the screen as

        :map ^J

so the return key is really treated as a linefeed, which you observed.
(On HP-UX, the sequence above appears properly as ":map ^M".)

Like I said:  a clue, but no solution.

--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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