In <01BD6855.6E9B9200@cessna> [log in to unmask] writes:

> Communications Model:
> --PC Application passes 'XL library name', 'function name', and function speci
> ifi
> c input data to a DLL.
> --This DLL communicates over ethernet lan with the 'Listener Job' running on t
> the
>  927.
> --The 'Listener Job' spawns a process calling the function within the XL libra
> ary
>  passing the input data.
> --The XL functions are written in Cobol and perform the appropriate database a
> act
> ivity.
> --The cobol function returns a string buffer with results, as necessary.
> --The 'Listener Job' then sends the results back to the calling DLL where the
>  PC
>  application.

Just a guess, but if your application is "launching a new process" for every
request, you're gonna chew up and spit out just about any cpu you throw at
it. That's one of the highest overhead operations you can perform on a 3000.

If that's the case, time to redesign that app to suspend/awake processes
rather than starting/stopping them all the time.

               -Chris Bartram