Well Kevin Newman found his answer for his nightly backup blues...
but I still have mine.  We do the same lights out nightly backup of
the HP3000 to DDS Dat at 1:30am each morning and everything works
great until the tape drive has problems and then the system is hung
in the backup job stream until someone comes in the next morning to
find the users crying about not being able to login.  It happened
again last night for the third time this month!

We use HP Store command to do the backup so the files are locked.  I
thought I'd stream a backup checkup job at 5:00am to see if the
backup job was still running (using Vesoft MPEX, the backup should be
done by then or else something is wrong) and if so, abort the backup
job and stream the system restart job stream to set the limits up and
allow everyone back on the system.  Last night I got the test of that
process but the 5am job couldn't run because (you guessed it) the
files were still locked by the backup.

Does anyone have a way to have the backup job, using Store, abort
itself if 5am rolls around and it is still running?  Or some other
solution?  I also put a call into HP Pics today and they are
researching for a solution, so let's see if you can find one first?

Thanks in advance!!!
-- Phil Rupp, IS Manager
   City of Santa Cruz