Stan writes:
> I'd swap the Acc and Code columns ... users are used to seeing the CODE
> just after the filename.

But they're used to seeing the access flag first.  Also the access
information is more dynamic information and shuffling it into the
static file information makes no sense to me.  I'd say it could be
added to the end of the line, but there it's too hard to associate
with the filename, so I think it is best where it is: next to Name.

Stan pointed out that my use of "Record" for the record size could be
misinterpreted (by morons) as the number of records in the file.  So
perhaps something like "Byte/R", "RecSiz", etc. would be better.  I'd
probably consider increasing the width of the field another character
just to make room for a header of "RecSize" or "Bytes/R" :-)
