I have been had. I must be taking this list to seriously. It's time to go
Original Text
From "WirtAtmar" <[log in to unmask]>, on 4/1/98 12:57 PM:
Stuart Pierce writes:

> Query makes people abandon the Huey 3K ? Say it isn't so.
>  -------------
>  Original Text
>  From "Costas Anastassiades" <[log in to unmask]>, on 4/2/98 12:25 PM:
>  We're also abandoning HP, especially the cumbersome 3000 !! so I
>  with your problem and I'd be happy to help for free. Send me $500 thru
>  Hungarian bank and then email me whenever you want me to pay $10 for a
>  shareware. Any interest your $500 may earn will of course be yours.
>  What are you planning to do with all the obsolete HW ? We're thinking of
>  having a fancy dress party and offering it as 1st prize for best outfit.
>  See you in the Microsoft news groups...

And I politely remind him of today's date.

As long as we're on the subject, I'll bring up last year's question:

     Are MPE users in danger of becoming a cult?

The answer is still on the web at:


Just to put all the answers found on this web page in context, it's
to remember just a mere short 365 days ago that (i) Hale-Bopp was high in
sky, (ii) the Heaven's Gate people had just committed mass suicide, and
Bill Gates and Lew Platt had just signed some form of co-operative, mutual
non-aggression pact.

Wirt Atmar