Joe after Gary:

>> Ken-
>> This sounds like a PBS pledge drive!!  Do I get a mug or a CD ;>)

> That's it!  We have to take a page out of vendor's books
> at HPWorld and have a freebie for each vote, eh?

Yeah;  I watch quite a bit of PBS;  maybe it was some kind
of subliminal thing on my part....     ;-)

Anyway, however the harangues by Joe & the Chair to vote
can be categorized, it seems to be working:  Enough people
voted today that we are now    t a n t a l i z i n g l y    close
to the 100-ballots mark !!!....   suspense is nerve-wracking,
as we go into the last five pre-SIB hours of voting...:  Who
will be the last voter that puts us into three digits ??....

:-)  ,
Ken Sletten