Hello to anyone. I have a DTC 72MX and I need to be able to connect modems to it. I have an HP MDP RS232-C (8 port) modem connection that is currently connected to the dtc. Everything in Openview is configured correctly as well as NMMGR. When I hook a modem to the MDP and call the modem, it answers but I never get a colon prompt on the screen. I can even hook a terminal directly into the MDP and get no colon prompt or anything. I'm currently scouring the department for the manual to the DTC but for some reason Murphy's Law has struck again......it's the 'only' manual I can't find. Has anyone out there connected modems to this particular dtc and have them working? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bruce Leonard
Philips Digital Video Systems Company
Phone: 801-977-1665
Fax: 801-977-1599
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