
What the hey.  The 3000 doe's not seem to have much of a problem
with files over 2GB, be they ftp, dd or what.  The 9000 pukes files
over this limit with various error messages, not all of which truly
describe the problem.  After wading about in man pages on both
systems I find an annotation (on the 3k) about "due to industry
standards and interoperability requirements files larger than 2GB
are not supported".

Anybody know what these "industry standards" and "interoperability
requirements" are?  I'm pretty much up to here with a "scalable"
machine (9000) in which I can sport as much as 3nnGB of disc
3GB of memory and yet not deal with a single file of greater
than 2GB.  Beg yer pardon but IMSHO that's #$$$%@@.

We have enabled large files and all the other stuff.  Why does our
"old tech" HP 3000 continue to kick our "new tech" HP 9000's butt.

Guess I'm done with the rant, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
3k keeps truckin' 9k keeps suckin.
