Hello all IMAGE users who are planning to attend the
HP Databases meeting at IPROF-98 next Friday.  This
will be a combined meeting of SIGIMAGE & SIGALLBASE.
Meeting time is 10:30am - 12:30pm on Friday 20 March.

For complete info on IPROF-98, just go to:


BUT:  Besides checking out the above URL, those planning
to take part in SIGIMAGE discussions are asked to complete
a homework assignment *before* coming to the meeting:
Review the March 1998 SIGIMAGE Newsletter.

Because we only have two hours to complete all "interactive"
SIG business for both ALLBASE and IMAGE, at the start of
the meeting it will be assumed that attendees are familiar
with all the information in the Newsletter;  i.e.: we will jump
right into discussing issues after the HP presentations are
completed, and will not go over background info that can be
gleaned by doing your homework.

To complete this assignment prior to IPROF, take your
choice of formats:

For a PDF version (requires Acrobat Reader or equivalent):

   You can download the Acrobat Reader for free at:

To view the March issue online in HTML format:

To download your very own PostScript version:

** THEN **:  Once you have reviewed the Newsletter and
the included extended 1998 Enhancement Descriptions,
if you do not have any unanswered questions on the
Enhancements please also submit your 1998 SIGIMAGE
Ballot on the web *before* the SIGIMAGE meeting on Fri.
It's easy.  Just go to:


Ken Sletten
....  and co-instructor along with Gary Biggs for this class.