In case any of y'all missed it, pre-submitted questions
for Panel Sessions at IPROF-98 can now be entered
via the Interex web site.  Pre-submittal is strongly
encouraged.  You can go directly to:

The "Management Forum" (previously a.k.a. the Management
Roundtable) and the "POSIX Porting Panel" are ready to
received your questions now.  I think the "HP3000
Programming Languages Panel" will also be able to take
questions at the same URL soon.

Ken Nutsford is the only person to have pre-submitted a
question so far...  attaboy Kiwi Ken....  Come on, people:
I *know* there are a lot more questions out there that don't
have HP or Interex answers yet....

Ken "in harangue mode" Sletten
IPROF Task Force