Would anyone be interested in trading your DTC16 (iX or MX) for [some number
not larger than 6] DTC48s? We have 6 (actually 7, but one has a bad power
supply, though you can probably have that one too if you want it) DTC48s.
The DTCs have a mix of 8-port ATP cards and 6-port modem cards, as well as
two Telnet Access Cards. Two of the DTCs have the CPU/memory upgrade to use
a TAC or X.25 board; the others are what DTC Manager calls "DTC48/3000"s. We
recently moved our 3000 into a new location that is, to put it mildly, a bit
less spacious than the previous home. Fortunately, we have also had a
significant reduction in the number of terminal users over the last year.
So, we have about 40 times as much terminal-connection capacity as we need,
and about 40 times as many cubic feet of DTC boxes as we have room to use.
If you'd like to help bring those numbers down, give me a holler.


Steve Dirickson         WestWin Consulting
(360) 598-6111  [log in to unmask]