From the Interex web site today:

"The roundtable sessions at HP WORLD '97 are designed to facilitate
face-to-face interaction between HP employees and HP customers, based on
specific topic areas. For each roundtable, HP (and in some instances,
third-party) experts will sit on a panel and address user issues, both
pre-submitted and from the floor. Although all issues submitted may not
be addressed at the conference roundtable, every issue submitted will
receive a reply from HP."

Notice the last sentence. Let us see now: September, October, November,
December, January - I count five plus months since HP World '97 and many
questions still do not have a response. Check it out for yourself.

OK, so I'm having a bad day and want to spread the pain. The Management
Roundtable left such a sour taste in my mouth that it just keeps coming
back to annoy me. And will continue to annoy me until there is some kind
of closure.

John Burke
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