I have a Vectra 486/66U - 1 GB Hard Drive - 2 floppy.....

        In this machine are the following boards.....

            Slot 1 - Sound Blaster 16 Bit Sound Card
            Slot 2 - Video Monitor Card (Special IDEK LiYama Monitor)
            Slot 3 - US Robotics Sprtster 14.4 Modem
            Slot 4 - <>
            Slot 5 - Unknown Card (cannot remove, will mess up system if

    I recently got a Logitech ScanMan plus Scanner, WITH a board and setup
utility disk.... Here's the problem..... When I install the board, the
scanner doesnt function and the modem functions are interupted and
HALTED..... also I have no CFG file for that scanner..... didnt come with

    If someone could PLEASE help me with this problem or shed ANY light on
it whatsoever..... PLEASE email me at [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]

    I really need some help and I would SO appreciate it if someone could
tell me what to do.