Ewart North <[log in to unmask]> asks,


>My user is now saying "why can't we do this on a transaction by
>transaction basis?"  I think what he means is to closely link the two
>systems so that the SOP (9k) checks codes which exist in Image on the
>so that mis-postings can be eliminated earlier in the processing cycle.
>My questions-
>Is this scenario possible?  If so what do I need on each machine to
>accomplish this?
>What are the consequences (if any) for response on either or both

Definitely possible.  The way we've done it is by using Berkeley sockets
to pass a message from the HP9K to a listener process on the HP3K; the
HP3K process executes some application code, performs all of the
TurboIMAGE database access and sends a message back to the HP9K with the
completion status.

Response time is great -- especially because all of the database access
are local to the HP3000 (i.e.; they don't flow across the network).

Contact me offline if you want more details.

 -- Evan