Here's one from InternetWeek. Seems you can fins things when you look for them.

NCs Tap Into 3270 Vein

When network computers first came on the scene, some
experts called them "the 3270 terminals of the Internet
era." It was an analogy designed to illustrate the future
ubiquity and server-centricity of the NC by evoking the
omnipresent IBM mainframe terminals of the past. It's not
just an analogy anymore.

IT managers in several large mainframe shops are
considering replacing their old banks of 3270 terminals and
terminal-emulating PCs with NCs that, in the long run,
might be able to provide more application functionality for
less money.

Want examples? Just last month, American Eagle--a division
of American Airlines, one of the largest users of
mainframes and 3270 terminals in the world--purchased 365
NCs for use in parts-ordering and inventory applications
running on an HP 3000 midrange computer. Over the longer
term, the airline plans to replace its tens of thousands of
3270-based passenger services terminals with NCs, officials

Dave Gale                               Phone: (505) 342-4660
Systems/Operations Manager   Fax:     (505) 342-0595
Health Care Horizons, Inc.        e-mail: [log in to unmask]
2129 Osuna NE, Floor 3
Albuquerque NM 87109            'Someone who has not made a mistake
                                             is someone who hasn't done anything.'