James after Mark Bianco:

>> Besides Notepad, what's the best way to view them so that
>> all the columns stay aligned when some of the fields are
>> binary or computational fields? Even better, how can I view
>> those fields, too? Thanks in advance...

> But if you want the binary translated to ASCII for your
> enjoyment, then the best tool I have found is on the HP and
> is called SUPRTOOL which used to be with ROBELLE but
>now I think it was sold to DBGENERAL people ...

Another slick tool that can handle mixed binary and ASCII data
very well is QueryCalc.  It took me about 10 minutes to define
the layout for two different mixed-format files in the QueryCalc
Dictionary the other night;  and then about another five minutes
to run QC and have it read in some sample data and display it
in aligned, human-readable fashion.  WF,LALT (TM DB).

...  of course in order to be able to do the above you must have
QueryCalc installed on your system....    :-)

... Per Stan's rules, I have no financial stake in QC, so no <plug>
is required....

Ken Sletten