On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 23:18:07 GMT, [log in to unmask] (Mark
Bianco) wrote:

>I've downloaded some MPE flatfiles to my PC. Besides Notepad, what's the best
>way to view them so that all the columns stay aligned when some of the fields
>are binary or computational fields? Even better, how can I view those fields,
>too? Thanks in advance...
>Mark Bianco
>Mark Bianco
>mbianco at axiom-systems dot com

If it is your want to use the PC then an editor from RimStar allows
you to edit most any file masking any ill affects caused by
control/hidden characters and if you enter Alt+H you get a side panel
with the hex values of all characters. This is similar to the FCOPY
command with HEX and CHAR options. But if you want the binary
translated to ASCII for your enjoyment, then the best tool I have
found is on the HP and is called SUPRTOOL which used to be with
ROBELLE but now I think it was sold to DBGENERAL people to include
with their product. Contacting either party will probably get you the
product. You can break up the file into variables and tell SUPRTOOL
what type is each variable and when displayed will be converted to
ASCII. I use to rip apart Turbo Image datasets and put them together
into another new dataset. Using SD (Self Describing) files.
Hope this helps
