On Tue, 18 Nov 1997 10:40:25 -0800, "dennis" <[log in to unmask]>

>how can i make a temp file permanent? i am compiling a quiz schema but it i
>can't get rid of where it puts the compiled version (which will overwrite
>the production schema) so it writes it to a temporary file. i need to test
>the new schema. i tried copy both on mpe and vesoft but i can't figure it
>out! i already have done this copying before but i forgot :(
>any help will be appreciated.
>dennis profeta
>rembrandt photo services

The SAVE command moves a file from the temporary file domain to the
permanent file domain. Use PURGE first if necessary to remove any
permanent file with the same name as the temporary file.

You could also use the following to copy a temp file to a new
permanent file:


Hope that helps.