On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 13:09:42 -0700, Glenn Cole wrote:
|Glenn asks:
|> Is IA-64 the same as PA-8000?
|Gavin gives the simple answer:
|> No.
|So, let's make the question a bit tougher. ;)
|Is IA-64 a superset of PA-8000?

The folks at Allegro (or whatever name they're using today :) are not
being overly helpful this time, are they?  ;)

IA-64 is the first chip which will be (is being?) produced as a result HP
and Intel's joint effort to develop a successor to both the HP-PA and x86
processor lines.  I believe it has been known as the Merced processor, but
these days IA-64 is the name generally used for it.

One of the things I think I know about it (meaning that I'm not sure of it)
is that it will have a completely new instruction set.  It's expected to
be able to emulate HP-PA and x86 instructions at speeds comparable to native
execution on the native processors in the same way that HP-PA boxes could
execute classic (CM) 3000 code at speeds even faster than the old classic
boxes could achieve.
Jeff Woods
[log in to unmask] at Unison Software
[log in to unmask]   at home  [PGP key available here via finger]

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