<<Steve, I apologize.  It was arrogant of me to say I could find no fault
in your post.  It was brought on by my exuberance at seeing a posting so
succinct, direct and factual about the subject.>>

No apology necessary; I was in no way insulted or upset by the posting
(thus the "wink-smiley" emoticon attached to my comment). I only
mentioned it because it's the 3rd or 4th posting of mine in the last year
or so to receive such a "blessing", and I thought it was kind of funny.

<<Now, being a Monty Python fan for almost 30 years, (I used to watch it
on Wednesday nights on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Chap)), and being able
to imitate a French accent (duh), "I empty my nose in your general
direction, you Mac zealot!">>

To which they would no doubt reply with something about us PC users being
"runny-nosed wipers of Bill Gates' bottom".

