Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 10:41:20 -0600
From: Mike Drew <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: ODBCLink & VB
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Hi all,

   I've been working on a VB project using ODBCLink to access our
TurboImage databases.  I contacted MBFoster support Last week via E-mail
but haven't got a response yet, so I was hoping I might pick your brains
a bit.

  My problem is this:
        On any detail dataset that does not have a unique key item, I
have problems adding new records.  I thought the Auto_recnum field was
supposed to address this issue,  but maybe I've been doing something

    First In HOSTCONF I turned on the Auto_recnum field and then
specified the Primary Key as the name of the key in the Dataset.  Next,
I used VB 5.0 (using DAO 3.5)  to add multiple records to the set.  I
was also able to recreate my problem using VisData so I believe it may
be something in ODBCLink.  When I added my first record, everything
worked great, I just left the Auto_recnum field blank and it was
automatically calculated.  Then when I added any additional records with
the same key value, they appeared to overlap.  That is, there are the
correct number of records, but they all appear as copies of the first
record.  This occurs when I add records though ODBC OR through query on
the hp3000.  If I view the records in Query, they appear correctly.
    If I changed the set to read only, (SnapShot, Open mode 5, etc...),
the records all appear perfectly.  This lead me to believe it had
something to do with the duplicate keys.

    This problem is similar to another one I had a couple months ago.
MB Foster was great help, and sent us updated drivers.  That problem
seemed to go away, until I stumbled onto this one.  We're currently on
version 5.53.05.   I heard someone discussing version 5.55, do you think
this would solve my problem?  What are the changes from 5.53?

   In the ODBCLink manual, section "Notes for Users of MS-Access", it
states that if the key is not unique that "Access Will Not Work
Properly".   Is that the same for VB?
Anybody Have Any Ideas/workarounds?  I **could** change the database and
make a unique key, but I know I'm going to have more projects coming up
where that would be undesirable.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Mike Drew
Kishwaukee College