In article <01BCE87F.11AA37F0@IP_IS_125>, Brian Manley
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

>The "AutoConnect" property was set to "ON", so I turned it "OFF". Viola!
>Speedy ODBC just like mom used to make.  Just for kicks, I decided to
>turn AutoConnect back to "ON", expecting to return to slow and go
>ODBC. Oddly enough, the darn thing still worked fine! What gives?
>Perhaps a hidden garbage character in the initial "ON" string?
>I'm completely baffled, but happy nonetheless since my beloved
>ODBC seems to be working. Thanks to all for your kind suggestions.

Brian - I think the parameter you are talking about may be AutoCommit
which is dependant on your locking strategy for the database ... I am not
familar with the auto-connect parameter but would love to get some info on
it as it is not documented in any of the ODBC materials we have ... but
then I'm not actually coding the driver so I will ask our team if they have
seen such a parameter.

Thanks for any info you can give us on this ...

Birket Foster
M. B. Foster Associates .. the 1-800-ANSWERS people!
(613) 448-2333 or (613) 448-2588 (FAX)
(Thanks for your support of our 32bit DataExpress ODBCLink Driver)