
We are one of the sites that use a modified version of JTMAIL.  We got the
original version from Jim Wochuck, through Jeff Kell's site (if I remember
correctly).  It is invoked using a command file that provides 'usage' help
to the user and also utilizes an auxiliary file with 'valid' recipients. I
could make it available if you wish.  The following is the 'help' text of
our command file:

<SYS>:mailit ?

Usage: MAILIT    Recipient 'subject' msgfile [delflag] [attach]

 Recipient A seven character payroll number
    or     "Payroll#,Payroll#,..."
    or     a previously defined "distribution list"
    or     Full "ISA" (Internet Style Address) of recipient
    or     "ISA -r ISA -r..."  i.e. "[log in to unmask]"

 Subject   The subject of the message.  Use *single* quote marks
           around it if comprised of multiple words avoiding any
           quote marks within the subject.

 msgfile   Name of text file containing the message, qualified to
           the extent needed.  A 'msgfile' of '$' allows the user
           to enter the message text from '$stdin'.   In batch,
           the message text MUST be terminated by the MPE command
           '!EOD', while in session by a ':eod' or a single '.'
           period followed by a carriage return.

 delflag   YES/[NO] Indicates whether the msgfile should be
           purged after it is transmitted.  Default is 'NO'.
           (This flag is set to 'NO' when inputting from $STDIN)

 attach    YES/[NO] Indicates whether the msgfile should be
           attached to the text supplied by the user from the
           terminal.  If this flag is set to 'YES' the user will
           be prompted to supply some text from $stdin and the
           file will be attached to it.

 NOTE: The 'from' field is set to [log in to unmask]  If
       you wish to have something else appear in the 'from' field
       you may control that by setting the variable 'MAILUSER' to
       the desired name.  Keep in mind that said name will be used
       to return to you, to your e-mail account, any errors that
       maybe encountered during the mailing process.
       i.e. setvar MAILUSER [log in to unmask]


Paul H. Christidis

(310) 513-5808

>>> "Anderson, Michael" <[log in to unmask]> 10/28/97 09:17am >>> Does
anyone know of a way to send e-mail from the MPE CI Prompt within a batch job.

It would be nice if I could xeq a command like:

:IF FINFO('/Reports/Dailyjobs/xxxrep.txt','Exists') = True :   SENDMAIL
Envelop=/maillist/thisjobsusers.txt; &
:                     Text=/msgtxt/thisjobsmsg.txt; &
:                     Subject="Daily xxx Report attached"; & :
  Attach=/Reports/Dailyjobs/xxxrep.txt :Endif
The "Envelop" file would contain the Target e-mail addresses. The "Text" file
contains the actual message text.
The "Subject" contains the subject.
The "Attach" file is actually the attached file :-).

As anybody written/ported a program like SENDMAIL to the HP3000 yet?

Where can I find it?

How much is it going to cost?

Michael Anderson
COMPAQ Computer Corp.
(281) 518-9951