Wirt is right.

We have configured all the Websites that we host to answer to the
traditional (and fading) www.company.orgtype as well as simply

It's all to do with DNS. I don't pretend to fully understand this stuff,
but Jens does, and he'll gladly explain to anyone who cares.

Here is a traceroute from home to both urls.

C:\>tracert www.nha.co.za

Tracing route to www.nha.co.za []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     5 ms     5 ms     5 ms  nha-gw.home.nha.co.za []
  2    35 ms    31 ms    32 ms  gw-nha-l.nha.co.za []
  3   104 ms   111 ms   113 ms  gw-ia.bankmed.co.za []
  4    35 ms    35 ms    34 ms  www.nha.co.za []

Trace complete.

C:\>tracert nha.co.za

Tracing route to nha.co.za []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     5 ms     5 ms     6 ms  nha-gw.home.nha.co.za []
  2    33 ms    31 ms    31 ms  gw-nha-l.nha.co.za []
  3    34 ms    34 ms    34 ms  gw-ia.bankmed.co.za []
  4    36 ms    34 ms    34 ms  nha.co.za []

Trace complete.


Neil Harvey