Mike Lorengo said:

>> >I have been hearing reports that Turbo Image is on the
>> >MD list (Manufacture Discontinued).

Then John Painter:

>> As a Channel Partner and developer, I would hope that
>> we would be made aware of such a decision... We have
>> certainly not heard any such thing from HP,

Then Charles Finley with the definitive reply:

> Where did this information come from?  In all cases,
> when I have been able to confirm the source, this kind of
> information has come from someone who is either selling
> consulting of some kind or who is selling an alternative solution.

[....SNIP Charles' very good real-world example....]

>From our perspective, as a DAR and Channel Partner, we see
>an increasingly reliable, consistent and strong commitment on
>the part of CSY to IMAGE.  .......

I would echo Charles' question:  "Who said TurboIMAGE is on
the MD list ??".  The record since HP World - Anaheim 1996
shows not just isolated instances but a broad-based resurgence
of the 3000 within HP.  Witness recent major HP 3000 ads in
the general trade rags and even in PC Week (when was the last
time that happened ??).  And of course at HP World - '98 in
Chicago CSY publicly committed to a 64-bit MPE. Then there is
the 918DX developer's bundles, etc., etc.  This is not "religious
talk", as Mike put it;  these are facts in the public domain.

Given all of the immediately above, and given that TurboIMAGE
is the core of the HP 3000 along with MPE, saying that Turbo-
IMAGE is on the MD list is the same as saying that HP has
discontinued the 3000.  That is clearly not the case...

....  In Mike's original post, I note that he used the word
"reportS", not just report.  I really would like to know who
started this rumor.  I am also very confident that the highest
levels of CSY will be more than willing to continue to strongly
deny the rumor(s), just as they have been doing for the last
couple years.  And if the person or persons who said this
somehow were honestly under the misimpression that Turbo-
IMAGE was on the MD list, I figure HP will be happy to tell
them they are wrong directly..

.....  The only conceivable variation of this that would make
any sense to me is if HP was going to decide to bundle
Image/SQL with ALL MPE/iX platforms, instead of making
it a user-selectable add-on on top of TurboIMAGE.  If every
PA-RISC 3000 in the world was going to get Image/SQL,
then of course it would not be necessary to maintain Turbo-
IMAGE as a separate product on MPE/iX;  i.e.: TurboIMAGE
is and would continue to be the underlying core of Image/SQL.
Note that I have no knowledge that HP is planning to do this;
although personally I think it would be a good idea...   :-)

Mike, any chance you would share the source of your info
with us;  either on 3000-L or offline ??

Ken Sletten

email:     [log in to unmask]
smail:     Ken Sletten
              System Manager
              NUWC Division Keyport
              Code 326, Building 811T
              Keyport, WA  98345-7610
tel: 360-396-2525   fax: 360-396-5873