<<I've been given a task of updating a field in a database, all
occurences of this field is a search or a sort key.  It has been awhile
since I've had to do this kind of problem.  (I also haven't heard any
hullaballoo about "when are we going to get CIUpdate" in a few years, so
I suppose HP finally implemented it.)

What are the preconditions for CIU to work?

Such as:

What do I do to get it started in DBUTIL?>>

>>set basename/maintword CIUPDATE=ON

<<Does it work from Query?>>

Like a champ.

<<If so, is there a special command, or does Query's "UPDATE REPLACE"
command take care of it by itself.>>

No special command; it just makes 'REP searchitem="newvalue";end' work
instead of blow up.

The DBUTIL CIUPDATE setting also has another value, "ALLOWED". This does
not turn on the critical-item update capability for the database, but
allows an application program to turn it on as needed using DBCONTROL. I
don't think that QUERY was modified to support on-the-fly enabling of
CIUPDATE, so the database has to be in the "ON" state instead of
"ALLOWED" for QUERY to update search or sort items.
