Jeff Vance ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: I missed the beginning of this thread so I may be way off in right field...

That's *left* field, Jeff, but that's OK.  :-)

I think we're talking about the problem described in SR D500261875.
It's a limitation on the length of the INFO string that can be
passed from the C/iX compiler (CCOMXL) to the preprocessor (CPP
or CPPANSI).  Full details are in the SR.



: On Oct 10,  1:08pm, Chris Breemer wrote:
: > Subject: Re: c89 include paths
: > Walter Murray wrote:
: > >
: > > Just out of curiosity, did you check with the Response Center?
: > > This sounds a lot like a known problem.  If the RC can't help
: > > you, feel free to e-mail me directly.
: > >
: > Short update- RC told me that the command-line length limitation
: > is going to be relieved in MPE 6. No fix for 5.5 is considered.

: I don't know if the above "command line" refers to C89, the CI or
: the CI's info= string.

: In release 5.0 exp 3(?, maybe earlier?) the CI's command line buffer was
: increased from 279 to 511 bytes.  But the RUN command is parsed by the
: MYCOMMAND intrinsic and has a 255 byte token limit, so the info= string on
: the run command is still limited to 255 bytes.  However, "implied run" (like,
: XEQ progname "info") supports an info value up to as much as remains in the
: 511 byte CI buffer.

: Jeff Vance, CSY