Tim Ericson said:

> I'm not an expert, but we did something similar recently - added new
> devices and disk mirroring on the same Sunday afternoon.  I vaguely
> remember having to fiddle with VOLUTIL to get all the disks scratched
> and mounted and to turn on mirroring  <snip>

It would have been helpful for HP to send me an engineer experienced
in MPE/iX instead of that other woeful excuse for an operating system,
but I guess they've been dealing with me for long enough to expect
that I know as much as they do about their flagship products.

Anyway, I've achieved my goals and am happy to pass on these little
tips for those who might want to expand their mirrored-disc private

First -- preparation.  Backup those volumes you're going to change.
(Ca va s'en dire - Denys can correct my spelling there.)  Run
BULDACCT to snapshot your accounting structure on the volumes
you're going to change.  Just before you bring the system down,
run SYSGEN to add or modify the relevant paths and devices.
Don't make a mistake here--we did, and came to minor (additional
boot required) grief.

Then shut down, power down, and install the devices.  On bringing
the system back up, you will find discs you've ADDED to a volume
in an UNKNOWN state.  Just use the NEWMIRRVOL command to add them
to the existing set.  They'll initalise and go into a REPAIR
state until they're synched, and you're done.  For that situation.

Where you're replacing discs, you effectively destroy the volume set.
New spindles will come up in UNKNOWN state, and existing spindles
will come up in LONER state.  You have to SCRATCHVOL those in
LONER state, then you can issue the NEWMIRRSET command to set
up MEMBER1 (the master), and NEWMIRRVOL for the other members.
The whole set goes into a REPAIR state until they're synched.

Then you're ready to recreate your accounting structure, and
restore all your files, then reset all your UDCs.  Then you can
restart user transaction logging (if you use it), and go home.

A little distaff illogicality has crept into mirrored volume

        NEWMIRRSET <setname> MEMBER1 (<ldev1>,<ldev2>) <perm> <trans>

See the syntax?  But,

        NEWMIRRVOL <setname>:MEMBER2 (<ldev>,<ldev2>)

Can someone explain why the colon is required for the volume command,
but can't be used in the set command?  Is there a colorectal surgeon
somewhere in the bowels of the MPE lab?

FWIW, EOE, etc.,

Ron Burnett
Royal Children's Hospital
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