Now Nick,
    While I love the SMUG book (especially the online version :) ) We do not
steal in this country!

    We "appropriate" .... which Webster defines as "To take or use, often
without permission ."

Note: No wonder Congress "Appropriates" funds every year hehehe

Art "Long week :( " Bahrs

>>> Nick Demos <[log in to unmask]> 10/15/97 11:08am >>>
I picked up a copy of Bob Green's "SMUG VII Pocket
Encyclopedia at HPWORLD.  It's the greatest!
If you din't get one, beg, borrow or ateal it.
My congratulations to BOB.  Not only does it
contain everything you might want to know about
the 3000, but also the essentials of Windows'95,
NT and even Unix for the 3000 user.

I am now hiding it so I can get some work done.

Nick Demos  [log in to unmask]
My opinions are ny own and I stand behind them.

Performance Software Group
Tel. (410) 788-6777 Fax (410) 788-4476