In article <H00000f100c4dfec@MHS>, Gerry Reilly <GERRY_REILLY@HP-
>I have an old system with ten different databases in it.
>The upgraded system contains many years of database modifications (new
>elements, new data sets etc.)
>Does anyone know what would be the best tool/technique to compare an old
>database with a newer one, and to actually load up the new one?
>Any suggestions gratefully received!
>Gerry Reilly
>HP South Queensferry

Are you trying to compare data, or data structures?

If the latter, Flexibase is a fine tool. With it, you can Decompile
(Option 16) the schema from database A, and then use that to Transmute
(Option 17) database B (with or without actually doing it) to see what
changes it detects.

It does rather rely on any given element keeping its name the same in
any two database versions it appears in (and conversely that no new and
different element springs up under the same name), but then so do any
similar tools.

Once you know what you are looking at, you can synthesize a schema for
the melded database, and ask Flexibase to Transmute the old database to
this new format. It will space fill left or right, zero fill, or
truncate as needed.

Finally, if you wish, you can Transfer (Option 18) data from the old
database to the new one.

Plus any or all of the other options.....

<><> FLEXIBASE/IMAGE <><>   Version E.05.05   (c) Sector 7 Software
                   sold under license by PROACTIVE SYSTEMS worldwide

1  SHOW        status of datasets
2  DIAGNOSE    database performance
3  CHECK       logical data integrity
4  ANALYZE     database logfiles
5  CAP-CHANGE  to a set
6  AUTOMATIC   capacity management
7  REPACK      a detail set in CHAINED sequence
8  REPAIR      broken chains in paths
9  TRANSPOSE   an item value throughout a database
10 CREATE      a SAMPLE database
11 UNLOAD      a set to an MPE file
12 ERASE       all entries from a set
13 LOAD        a set from an MPE file
14 RENAME      a database
15 COPY        a database
16 DECOMPILE   a database to give a schema-file
17 TRANSMUTE   a database with respect to a new schema
18 TRANSFER    entries from one database into another database
19 ARCHIVE     entries from a database
20 :MPE        enter MPE command or run other programs


Bloody good product, from Proactive Systems here in the UK.

Not a plug - we're just users.

(Sorry Alfredo.... Adager couldn't get near this functionality when we
were selecting a db management product. Maybe it can now?)

Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'