We recommend one (or two) DLT4000 (digital Linear Tape) drives, which
     we assume RR will support. Our customers using DLT4000 drives (in
     conjunction with our BACKUP/3000 software), have seen throughput of
     over 20GB per hour to a single drive, and capacity exceeding 80GB on a
     single tape, (your mileage may vary ;-), so even without writing to
     two DLT drives in parallel, your backup time should diminish

     Paul Meszaros
     ORBiT Software
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Looking for backup solutions
Author:  [log in to unmask] at internet
Date:    10/14/97 10:44 AM

>Subject: Looking for backup solutions

     How much is too much for dds tapes? I currretly have 44 gig of disk
     and see that growing to 70 gig in the next year. I have two dds tape
     drives and use 90mm tapes. I use Roadrunner for backups and use the
     RR compression. Backups are running longer and longer. What should
     I be looking at in the way of hardware (tape drives) to handle the
     growing volume.