THAT makes sense. Hence the "high-profile" in the ad...

--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
  [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: What's going on here???
Author:  Non-HP-DiamondOS ([log in to unmask]) at hp-boise,shargw2
Date:    10/1/97 3:13 PM

In a message dated 97-10-01 18:07:14 EDT, Stan writes:

<< One of the job postings is from IBM!...

    Push your HP3000 COBOL skills to the limit. Depending on
    your level of experience and drive to achieve, you could be
    (or become) a team leader for high-profile distribution
    application projects.

    Desired Skills:  * COBOL * Consulting * HP3000  >>

More than one of our HP/3000 customers had outsourced their Y2K (and other)
projects to IBM Global Services organization. This could be one of their ads.

Best regards,
Igor Yasno
Diamond Optimum Systems, Inc.
Software Configuration Management Specialists
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