> Date:          Wed, 1 Oct 1997 20:54:29 GMT
> Reply-to:      Craig Proctor <[log in to unmask]>
> From:          Craig Proctor <[log in to unmask]>
> Organization:  BCAG
> Subject:       VPLUS Field Security Protection
> To:            HP3000-L

> I'm trying to implement a VPLUS screen to accept a password.
> I can not seem to find HOW to prevent the password from echoing back to
> the
> user as it is being entered.
> Does anyone know how to either:
>   1)  Prevent the echo, or
>   2)  Return a neutral character (e.g., ***) during typing?
> S. Craig Proctor
> CIS Configuration Management
> (425) 234-1461
> [log in to unmask]

1) Go to  terminal/language selection menu
2) select the HP262x,HP239X,HP7009X family terminals
3) specify "S" as field enhancement on form

Hope it for you.

Gary Nolan
Sydney Steel Corporation