In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

>     You are right about salary... it only pays the bills and gives us fun
> money... :)


> Art Bahrs
> >>> Chad Gilles <[log in to unmask]> 10/02/97 05:48am >>>
> Speaking of black holes,


> Salary is the easy one, but not always the most important.

> **  Chad Gilles                       **

Chad, Art,,

As a "technical" employee who has tried to support a family on one
income, my thought is, "don't discount (no pun intended) #1."

When I was young, single, then married (DINK), I could afford to work
as a ski instructor, social worker, and computer programmer.  Don't
force me to get a "real job" when I have mortgage payments, life
insurance, college tuition, medical bills, car payments, etc. to consume
the "fun money."

Clearly, these are my own opinions, and not those of my employer.
