>Hi, Barry ....   Jumbo datasets are not difficult to implement.  Adager
>will politely create the necessary structures to support the new capacity
>without any special effort on your part. <snip>

Unfortunately too politely. I would like to see flashing lights and sirens
warning the impending move to Jumbos. Many users are extremely happy with
"plain old MPE" and have no experience with the HFS at all. They definitely
need to know.
>A couple of caveats:
>Backups:  ensure that your backup software will support the new jumbo sets.
>Orbit's BackupPlus, for example, will dutifully store all MPE and HFS
>domain files if you specify an '@'-level fileset; however, a backup of a
>specific database must be specified in HFS syntax --- e.g.,
>/MYACCT/MYGROUP/MYDB.  An MPE syntax spec results in only the MPE domain
>files being stored.

You have to have a real good understanding of store/restore syntax and how
it relates to HFS files. Just yesterday I was testing the following store
:STORE @[log in to unmask]@.PUB.PROD;*T;SHOW;... to back up everything BUT the data,
which included jumbo datasets. While assuming this was MPE syntax and would
not include HFS files, it stored the jumbos that were in pub. My 10 minute
quick store ran for an hour. Guess I will have to re-read the help for store
but I thought it only automatically translated @[log in to unmask]@

>Otherwise, we've seen no other difficulties, to my knowledge.

There apparently are extra checksums and timestamps on Jumbos that are
extremely "sensitive." I know of an instance where an entire database was
restored 3 different times to the same backup using the exact same syntax.
Two of the 3 datasets were unusable because the checksums were not matching
up correctly for some reason. I believe the restore was from a Roadrunner
backup. Adager fixed it up so it would work.

>From: [log in to unmask] on 10/01/97 01:22 PM
>Please respond to [log in to unmask]
>To:   [log in to unmask]
>cc:    (bcc: Lee Gunter/BCBSO/TBG)
>Subject:  Jumbo datasets
>     We are an Amisys client who is getting ready to move to Jumbo
>     datasets.  I want to double check that we have everything in
>     place before I proceed.  We are on MPE 5.0 PP6(pretty sure but
>     will be double checking) and we will soon be purchasing Adager.

Definitely get Adager. Or DBGENRAL.  If your databases are large enough to
require Jumbos you should not be without a database tool. I know in Adager's
newest version they have added a lot of therapy functions for fixing the
jumbo problems described above. DBGENERAL may have similar features but I
have no personal knowledge of it.

Another thing, Jumbos are not compatible with DDX.

Doug Werth [log in to unmask]
Beechglen Development Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio