Have a datamart (star scema) about 4M rows in the fact.  Performance
sucked, so I broke it into 8 tables and partioned viewed.  they SUCK!

I turned the ora.init parameter on.
I constraied each table on the first part of the prim key. (time).
I created a union all view.
Oracle 7.3 HP 1 GB ram and 2 processors

I then ran a query and - no matter the where clause it will hit every
table.  Even if I say where time_key = 3.  No matter what.  If the
elimination of tables dosen't work then the benefits of severly minimined.
True this will allow me to scan the table quicker (8x).   But i need more!

I'm running redbrick on the same box - ported the datamart over in 2
hours.  Redbrick kicks the crap out of oracle.  Maybe oracle is not ready
for warehousing! - I'm going to oracle 8 soon any body know if oracle 8 is
any better.

I'm about to put oracle back in the box and burn it.

I appreciate comments from anyone who has had partion view work to
eliminate tables! or actually built a 'REAL' datamart in oracle and had
oracles star execution path kick in w/o hints and had it return a result
set in a reasonable time frame (< 15 secs).

Thanks for any comments / knowledge!
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