In the hope of being more specific about the problem we're facing, please
allow me to rephrase.

We're attempting an FTP transfer from a file with a record length of 56
(i.e. REC= -56,,F,ASCII)  to a file with a record length of 100 (i.e.REC=

This is the FTP syntax we're using :

GET <sourcefile> <targetfile> ;REC=-100,,F,ASCII

The BUILD options work fine and targetfile *is* created with 100 byte
records. BUT, the first record of the target file now contains the first
record of the source file *plus* 44 bytes of the second record of the
sourcefile and so on....

In other words, it's seems to be ignoring the sources End-Of-Record
markers, or it's not padding the remainder of the target record with

The files we're transferring are only a few dozen records each, and more
often than not it's a transfer from one HP3000 account to another. This was
not a problem under MPE 4.

Yet again, many thanks.

Costas Anastassiades
Information Systems Dept,