As I remember there are two things you need to do:

(a) in NMMGR, go to the screen NETXPORT.GPROT.TCP and update the
'maximum number of connections' entry. You will need to call NETCONTROL
UPDATE;NET=network name (e.g. LAN1) for this to take effect. I don't
remember when we did this if we did it during the day or if it affected
users currently logged on;

(b) when this has taken effect, call NSCONTROL SERVER=VTSERVER,0,new-max
(1200 in our case).

One thing to watch out for is that the system reverts to the 300 default
limit after every reboot, so you will need to do this (the NSCONTROL
SERVER=..... command that is) each time the system is rebooted. This
can't be in SYSSTART, so you will need to amend the job which you
probably stream from SYSSTART to add this call.

The relevant NMMGR screeen is below, you can reach it by Open

Best of luck.


NMMGR/3000 (B.04.07) #94  Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Config  Data: Y
When Data Flag is "N", press "Save Data" to create the data record.


[N]       Checksum Enabled (Y For Yes, N For No)

[1200]    Maximum Number of Connections

[10 ]     Retransmission Interval Lower Bound (Secs)
[360  ]   Maximum Time to Wait For Remote Response (Sec)
[10 ]     Initial Retransmission Interval (Secs)
[4  ]     Maximum Retransmissions per Packet

[900  ]   Connection Assurance Interval (Secs)
[8  ]     Maximum Connection Assurance Retransmissions


                                                        Save     Help

Christopher Davey
Technical Manager, Colonial IS Technical Services
5/353 Lt Collins St Melbourne
Victoria 3000 Australia

ph :  (+ 61 3) 9200 6103
fax:  (+61 3) 9200 1090

mailto:[log in to unmask]


>From:  Juan Criel[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent:  Wednesday, 1 October 1997 6:58
>To:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject:       Increase VT service
>Hi all....
>I have just reached my maximum VT Service limit of 300.  If you issue a
>NSCONTROL STATUS, it tells you the MIN and MAX.  How do I increase this
>value?  Can I do it on the fly?  I'm reading a bunch of NS manuals and
>can't find it.