Tony, Stephen, et al (if I may be so bold as to use first names) -

Thanks for the responses, public and private.  Most of the suggestions revolve
around re-indexing as a result of the re-blocking as the reason for improvement.

Based on that theory, I re-blocked the file back down to 1 to see what would
happen...same Quiz process...818 CPU seconds.

Obviously, there's a knee somewhere in the curve between 800+ and ~80 seconds,
so I reblocked to 2...same Quiz process...86 CPU seconds.

Hmmmm...what happens for a big block, say 80?....same Quiz process...78 CPU

So it looks like the difference is immediate...when the BF changes from 1 to 2
speed kicks in.  Perhaps this is an artifact of Cognos?  Whatever the real
answer, I'm re-blocking my CM KSAM files to 2.



Exequiel R. Sevilla III  (aka Kelly)
Hughes Technical Services Company
8614 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 950
Vienna, VA  22182
703/918-6916 (voice)  703/918-6945 (fax)
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Marx's particular adaptation of the
Hegelian paradigm neglects to fully
address the human social condition
in a world irrevocably altered by
the inertia of bourgeoisie culture.