Hello Friends,

Re: MPE 5.5 Update Virtual Terminals

I was hopeing this information was correct and that we could now
specify the starting LDEV of the NS Virtual Terminal pool, but my
review of the MPE/iX 5.5 communicator leaves me with the impression
that this feature only impacts DTC terminal and x.25 pad Non-Nailed

IMHO, this functionality does not exist for the NS Virtual Terminal
pool...  The only possible workaround I know of is to configure a
'dummy' DTC with 'dummy' ldev's which fill up all of the holes between
ldev 1 and ldev 21...

I hope someone out here on this list can prove me wrong, or provide a
better solution...    I will be happy to add your name to the SR
1653194050 requesting this functionality if you respond/reply to this


James Hofmeister
[log in to unmask]
Hewlett Packard
Worldwide Technology Network Expert Center
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily those of my employer.

Gilles Schipper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Starting with 5.5, you can specify the starting LDEV of Non-Nailed pools.

: Please refer to the 5.5 Communicator, page 10-72.

: This should provide you with an acceptable workaround to your speedware
: problem.

: At 08:51 AM 97/09/15 EDT, you wrote:
: >Has anyone had a problem with the MPE 5.5 update giving lower than the ldev
: >21 console and speedware ( reactor specifically ) not able to run ? This is
: >the strangest thing, I picked up on the virtual terminal ldev thing when I
: >noticed someone with a single digit ldev. Then one of our programmers told
: >me that when they logged off and back on they could run the program reactor
: >from speedware. I'm only two days into MPE 5.5 so if anyone knows anything
: >pertaining to this gremlin, I would appreciate it. TIA
: >
: >
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Gilles Schipper
: GSA Inc.
: HP3000 & HP9000 System Administration Specialists
: 300 John Street, Box 87651   Thornhill, ON Canada L3T 7R4
: Voice: 905.889.3000     Fax: 905.889.3001
: Internet:  [log in to unmask]  Compuserve: 71203,474
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------