
My answer depends upon your intended purpose for the 4GL / data access /
reporting tool.
For instance what is the mix of :
    end-user ad hoc reporting
    power user reporting (more depth of analysis or regularity)
    IT production / business critical

Another product I would recommend putting on your list is QueryCalc.

If you want to get a quick feel for what a modern end-user, ad-hoc,
client-server, reporting tool looks like get a demo of Impromptu from
Cognos.   You should be able to run a demo on your PC or with a ODBC link
to your data on your HP3000.

I have worked alot with classic UDMS - you can call if you have questions.

- Cortlandt Wilson    (650) 966-8555

Tim Serverius <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
<[log in to unmask]>...
> I am contemplating purchasing either Data Express or UDMS/Safari.
> I would appreciate hearing about anyone's experience with either of
> these products.  Good points?  Bad points?
> Thank in advance,
> Tim Serverius