In article <[log in to unmask]>, Cliff
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi folks....
>I am a PC person that has recently been thrust into the world of the HP3000
>and I need some assistance.
>The company I work for uses an HP3000 (with 50+ Wyse 50 greenscreens) for
>telephone market research. Four other people and I program these market
>research surveys in some proprietary software that I won't bore you with
>right now, using QEDIT as our line editor.
>Well, we are getting ready to set up a network in which each programmer
>will have a PC with on his/her desk with Reflection. The 5 PCs will be
>running Windows 95 and Reflection to access the HP.  The company that does
>our HP stuff recommended a setup where all of the PCs' connect into a hub
>that has a connection to the HP. This sounds logical, but almost too easy.

HP3000s are that easy...but make sure to get them to walk you through
teaching the HP about the hub and what's out there.....or do it for

>I am pretty network illiterate, too, so go easy on me here...
>1.      Are the PCs all going to be peer-to-peer'd with each other, or just
>connected to the HP?

That depends on what else you do.

Reflection with NS/VT will get each PC using it a pathway to the HP.

Whether the PC can 'see' the other PCs or not depends on how you
configure their network presence in WIN95. If you set them up for peer-
to-peer, PC-PC packets will whizz along the network as well as PC-HP
packets. Each device will 'see' only packets destined for it, and the
packets won't clash.

>2.      Will each PC have its own LDEV# when it logs into the HP under

Yes, and it will stay the same during a session, but it won't be
constant from session to session. LDEV#s will be allocated from the
network range on a 'first come, first served' basis as the PCs connect.
>3.      Will we simply be able to switch from "Serial" to "Best Network" in
>Reflection Connection Setup to go from being 9600 baud to 100 Mbps or
>whatever 10 Base T promises?

10 Base T promises 10mB on the LAN. There are whizzy-dizzy 100mB
capabilities out there, but you probably haven't got these. The 10mB is
shared by the way, not 'each' like the 9600 bps. But it will still stonk
along, and you won't want to go back to serial....

As regards switching, you will need to tell Reflection about the HP3000,
and you'll need an IP address each (including the HP3000), probably from
an internal 192... range, assuming it's a closed network.
>I know that you might be saying, "I need to see this setup before I can
>answer any of these questions"... Actually, I want the answer to all of
>them to be "YES!" and would like to know of any tips, tricks, etc... that
>any of you wizened 3Ker's may have found along the way to make these things

The ease of working on the HP3000 is generally represented in the smooth
unlined faces of its practitioners. Perhaps you meant 'wizard'?
>thank you VERY MUCH in advance for any assistance....
You're welcome.
Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'