<<1). Transact problem - love it use it all the time with vpls screens
but -- When a user gets an error i.e. data set full etc. the error
message is displayed only shortly on the message line and then the
program goes to an exit/restart.
      Is there any way to have these error messages logged to a file so I
can see what the error was.  This sure would make life simpler.>>

As an aside, it's pretty unlikely that a "user gets an error" like this.
If the *program* encounters an error and fails to handle it, the Transact
run-time will display the message.

If you use the ",status" option on your access verbs, you can detect the
error and warning conditions yourself and handle them as you wish. You
can also use the ,error= option to control error handling; however, if
you use this option, make sure you fully "grok" Table 7-1 so that you
aren't surprised. Redirecting STDLIST/TRANOUT isn't really an option,
since the error both displays a message and requires an input to the
"Exit/Restart?" prompt.

My recommendation? Use ",status".
