Hi, folks.

On Wed, 10 Sep 1997 19:43:16 +0200, Neil Harvey <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
|Maybe HP management should join this (and other) list(s), and we can
|have a perpetual Management Round Table! :)

/* Begin Preaching to the Choir */
I suspect that more of HP management than you might guess based on their
visibility here, and in particular HP3000 oriented managers, are getting
a steady dose of the information parlayed in this forum.  I haven't tried
to review the subscriber list (if that's even still possible with all the
spamming going on), but I would be quite surprised if those HP employees
(and others with close contacts with HP management) on this list aren't
passing along a substantial portion of the dialogue and issues presented
here to their peers and managers.  IMO, if HP as a whole isn't taking
advantage of the feedback this forum makes available to them, then they
have their collective and proverbial head in the sand.  OTOH, we all know
that at least a portion of the technical folks at HP are using this forum
in a very useful and mutually beneficial way; to arbitrarily select a case
in point, Jeff Vance has for quite a while now been regularly available in
this forum and has even asked more than once for feedback on design
decisions he is making in new features for MPE.  This kind of open
interaction is wonderful and the more it spreads, both within HP (to both
management and technical folks) and across the MPE customer base (including
end-users, software developers, consultants et al), the better for MPE, the
HP3000, HP and us all.
Jeff Woods
[log in to unmask] at Unison Software
[log in to unmask]   at home  [PGP key available here via finger]

Native American proverb:
We did not inherit the Earth from our parents, nor they from theirs;
We are borrowing the Earth from our children, just as our parents did from us.